Regrade requests shouldn't be used to ask conceptual questions about a particular item or debate the rubric. Questions should be taken to office hours, where the TAs are well-equipped to spend as much time as needed to walk through the question and give a full, detailed explanation.
Regrade requests that do not follow the guidelines below will be immediately closed. The window for requesting a regrade closes 72 hours after grades are released.
When it comes to regrade requests, please follow these guidelines:
- Regrade requests should only be submitted if at least one of the following are true:
- You have compared your answer with a friend and you two have the exact same answer but different grades on a question
- You answer exactly matches the solution given on the rubric. For code writing questions, first type your code exactly as written on the quiz into VSCode and verify there are no syntax errors. Note: This includes partial credit. We are not awarding partial credit on questions unless there is a rubric item for it.
- Regrade requests should be submitted on the question you believe was graded incorrectly (i.e. if you believe question 3.3 was graded incorrectly submit the regrade request on that question).
- If you believe multiple questions were graded incorrectly, you should submit one regrade request per question and not lump them all into one request.
- Your regrade request should be detailed and thoughtful, explaining precisely which of the steps listed in Step 1 you took to verify that your answer was correct or met the requirements specified in the rubric for full/partial credit.